Newsletter September 2018
If you’d like to see this newsletter in colour and with the piccies, please click here.
Listen Up! A Word from Ron…
First Practice Game
I’d like to open up this newsletter with special thanks and congratulations to all the people involved in getting the greens up to scratch for the first practice game last weekend – Greens Director Dave Young, Greenkeeper Andrew Fitzharris and the tireless helpers who put in a huge effort in the week leading up to the game; Trev Hanby, Alan Walker, Bob Rorke and I have no doubt Crumpy was in the thick of it directing some of the work effort!
The greens were tremendous for this time of year, and the new ditches are a vast improvement on the dilapidated old ones.
Thank you also to Tim Wilson, Federal Member for Goldstein for attending the Opening of the Greens and rolling the ceremonial jack – a much improved effort on last year!
Welcome New Members
We extend a warm welcome to Kris Allan who joins us this season from the country league. We first met Kris late last season as he joined us for a few Thursday afternoon practice sessions.
We also extend a warm welcome to Danny Quinn. We’ve enjoyed Danny’s participation in the last 2 Winter seasons.
Both Kris and Danny will be joining the Saturday Pennant squad.
Strategic Plan Presentation
We have developed a Strategic Plan for the Club which outlines where we’d like to see the Club headed over the next 5 years and defines what we want to be as a Club.
The Strategic Plan will be presented to members on Thursday 20th September at 6:30pm (after practice and before raffles). All members are encouraged to participate.
Doug Osborne Award Voting System – Have your say
Over the past couple of years, there has been some discontent with the way votes are cast for the Saturday Pennant Doug Osborne Award. This is a highly prestigious Award for the Club and so deserves a process that members broadly support.
An alternate voting system has been proposed and seems to have quite a bit of support, but the Committee wants ALL Saturday Pennant players to have an opportunity to have a say. To do this, we will issue a survey where Saturday Pennant players will have an opportunity to nominate their preferred voting system of the two proposed. The survey will include details of the alternate proposal. Following the survey, the Committee will decide on the system to be used for the 2018/19 Pennant season.
Process for Appointing Selectors
Just a reminder to all Pennant players, while we’re happy with our current Midweek and Saturday Selectors, if you have a view on a better process to appoint selectors, please see Erica Horsfield, Chris Clegg, Layla Clegg or Rob Santalucia.
Bowling Matters!
Practice Games
Last Saturday, the top side had a very good hit out with Brighton going down by just 1 shot overall. Both sides were a touch under full strength but the game still gives us confidence that we will be competitive in Div 1. The second side had a very convincing win and this is also a good sign that the Seconds will have another great season.
The Saturday practice schedule looks like this so far….
15th of September Intra club BBC practice match (unless we can find another club to play)
22nd of September Practice match against Cheltenham 2 teams at home and 2 teams away
Friday 28th Peter Burnett Memorial Challenge (Away vs Hampton RSL)
Sunday 30th Intra club BBC practice match
Midweek (Tuesday) Pennant gets underway on 25th September. There is only one more practice game scheduled for Tuesday 18th September.
It is in everyone’s best interests if we maximise our availability for the Practice Games. It will help Selectors decide sides for the first pennant game and ensure that individually, we are well prepared for the new season.
New Bowlers…
If you haven’t already been shown the entry forms for the Practice games, they are the yellow A3 forms on the Club Notice Board in the main hall. Any doubts, please don’t be shy and just ask – we’re all pretty friendly!
Club Championship entries now open.
Entries are now open for Men’s and Ladies singles. Entries close on 27th September, so get your skates (or bowls shoes) on and enter your name now (see Notice Board).
We are also taking entries for the Open Triples (gender is not relevant for Triples) until 4th October.
New Bowlers…
Entry for all Club Championship events is free and everyone is encouraged to have a go. As always, if you can’t find the entry form on the Notice Boards, please ask anyone.
Sandbelt Region Championship Events
Sandbelt have instructed that entries for these events are now to be submitted DIRECTLY via the Sandbelt website. i.e. Bentleigh Bowling Club is no longer able to help facilitate your entry.
These events include:
- Singles (Men’s and Women’s) Open, Over 60, Novice
- Pairs (Men’s and Women’s) Open, Over 60
- Mixed Pairs
- Triples (Men’s and Women’s)
- Fours (Men’s and Women’s)
There’s a couple of entry deadlines coming up very soon so get your skates on:
Triples Monday 17/9
Novice Singles Monday 17/9
Over 60 Pairs Monday 1/10
To view the events and register, go to the Sandbelt website and select Sandbelt Champions 2018-19 from the COMPETITIONS & EVENTS menu item.
St Leonard’s wrap
19 Bentleigh members travelled to St Leonard’s to play in the Seagull Classic.
We remembered the passing of Graham Heath who initiated this annual event with a minute’s silence (a sad minute for all).
The hosts tried to get an advantage by deleting the sandwiches and the lunch break but despite us starving, we held a strong 36 point lead after the second game. In a thrilling finish, St Leonard’s wicked in on the last bowl to win by 2 shots.
Lindsay was expecting a successful defence, and dutifully left Graham the Seagull Trophy in his boot which was attached to his car, which remained parked in the Bentleigh Bowling Club carpark for the weekend.
The St Leonards crew were great as always, with plenty of friendly banter on the greens and over a few drinks during and after the games. it was great to have a couple of new members, Rob and Erica, join us for the weekend.
I’m sure there were more Shenanigans, but it seems what happened in St Leonards will stay in St Leonards this year!
Double Header Weekend
I’ll keep reminding everyone that there is a double header in this year’s Saturday Pennant schedule. On the weekend of 8th and 9th December, there will be Pennant games on both Saturday AND Sunday. Please ensure you keep that weekend free.
From The Coach’s Box
New themes for the new season.
Well done on a great turnount for the pre-season Coaching and Selection briefing at the end of August.
For those unable to attend, 2 handouts are available that cover the role of each player in the rink and our own Game Plan that we want to bring into this new season. If you don’t have these handouts already, please see Keith Ronaldson any Thursday afternoon / evening.
Having enjoyed the highs and lows of this fascinating yet frustrating sport over many years, we have noted common theme among bowlers is not being able to achieve the consistency they would like, and not playing in the Side they think they should be in. We have a challenging year ahead, and ask you to put that little bit extra into practice/training wherever you can. We want you to be as successful as you want to be!
Coach Keith will be evaluating training performances , and Peter is at the club at 11am every Sunday for those who wish to work on their delivery.
Please take advantage of these opportunities to improve your game, and help the Club in doing so.
In this technological age, most of us have a mobile phone, and it is a simple matter to video each other bowling. This is a very valuable and simple tool to use, how many have tried it?
PLEASE NOTE – To better enable you to track your progress (as measured by your peers) Pennant votes will be posted on the notice board every week.
As always, good bowling,
Keith and Peter.
Social News
The Club will be open on AFL Grand Final Day. We’re still figuring out the pre-game and half-time entertainment, but rest assured, it won’t involve warm soggy pies, limp hotdogs, Meatloaf or Angry Anderson!
If you don’t have any plans for GF day, join us for a bit of fun at the Club.
BBC Shenanigans
Before it gets lost in history…
And just once more if you missed it last month…
Here’s a video compilation of our shenanigans after Section Grand Finals last year… Turn the volume up!
Who said playing finals, winning flags and being Bentleigh isn’t special???
Big thanks to Grace O’Keefe for the video!